Fanling Service Partner: Ho Lung Motor

Super Nano and Ho Lung Motor met in May 2020, when Owner "Lung Jai" contacted Super Nano to learn more about its products. He had heard from customers the difference of the Super Nano Motor Oil in engine performance, and sought to see any options in bringing this product to his shop. Consequently, Super Nano was delighted to learn about this shop, as Hong Kong's most famous Toyota 86 workshop, we educated Lung Jai on our most effective and important product – the Super Nano Engine Restorer to his surprise. 

In the months after, Ho Lung Motor has become Super Nano's core garage partner, as Lung Jai truly understands the benefits of engine restoration technology and its restorative and protective effect on modern Internal Combustion engines. Ho Lung Motor also provides Super Nano's comprehensive range of engine service products, including Engine Flush to clean engine of sludge and contaminants, ESTER Grade Motor Oil for engine performance and longevity, and Super Nano Engine Restorer for protection and restoration from engine wear.

In 2022, Ho Lung Motor is also the only designated 2023 Toyota GR86 service center as approved by HKS – one of Japan's most renowned aftermarket automotive parts brand –  in Hong Kong.

This is an acknowledgement to Ho Lung Motor in technical knowledge, experience and service. 

Shall you be interesting in servicing your beloved car with Super Nano's award-winning products, please contact Super Nano Hong Kong on +852 5277 5332 or Ho Lung Motor on +852 6089 7267 or for more information.

Ho Lung Motor
Address: 26B On Kui Street, Fanling, N.T, Hong Kong

With Best Regards,
Super Nano Hong Kong

【認識您的 Super Nano 粉嶺服務車房】

賀龍汽車維修主要有2間服務點, 位於安居街30號及26號B。原店由「龍哥」20年經營,主要做汽車機件,冷氣維修及快速換油。「龍哥」的汽車維修經驗獲得粉嶺區及安樂村不小車主的指定服務點。

直到2018-2019, 「賀龍」 旗艦店開張,由「龍仔」及熱愛汽車電單車團隊開發,主要經營汽車引擎維修,波箱維修,零件安裝,汽車美容,代辦政府驗車,冷氣系統,等多項汽車保養及維修服務。

「龍仔」的經驗豐富,從法拉利,Subaru,豐田等歐洲及日本車的保養及維修技能有目共睹。在豐田 86 及 2022年推出的 豐田 GR86的世界裡,你一定會聽到「賀龍」,因為,著名日本賽車零件 HKS 都選擇 「賀龍汽車維修」作為亞洲區的 GR86 指定服務中心。

相信 Super Nano Engine Restorer 超級引擎修復劑  也選用一間不會令人失望的車房為愛車,愛引擎的車主回復應有狀態,保護引擎。

賀龍換 Super Nano 機油無需預約,直接去到搵龍仔就可安排

📍粉嶺服務地點 Fanling service location :
賀龍汽車維修 Ho Lung Motor
地址 Address:粉嶺安樂村 安居街26號B
26B On Kui Street, On Lok Tsuen, Hong Kong
📲電話/Whatsapp查詢及預約 Bookings & Enquiries:6089 7267 龍仔 (Lung Jai)
地圖 Map:
⏰合作車房營業時間 Business hours
星期一至六 Mon-Sat 10:30至19:00
星期日 Sun 10:30至17:00